Chef Wan Jawab Isu Persenda Penemuan Objek Pesawat MH370

Sibuk shooting tadi tak sempat nak respond to all this. In between filming tadi Berita Harian dan ARTISMELETOP cepat call minta saya comment.

I told them the honest truth. Masa di Pantai pagi tadi i told all the crew.Let play a joke and see the reaction of all Malaysian yg suka melatah and mengutuk orang as well as press and blog that will take this issue even bigger! My driver kata ” Jangan la CW nanti org cari sebab nak marah kan u even tho u bergurau and kita faham”. 

Crew2 production pun gelak berderai. I am sure many of us behind close door have bergurau about this issue the last few days except i had put it on my IG deliberately to see the public reaction! 

Wow berjalan tak sampai 10minit dari pantai i was contacted by Ayie of Murai.Com tu..Murai juga cepat dapat mencium issue ini. Hee hee rupanya i was right memang orang Malaysia ini suka mencari sebab untuk memburuk kan... Tapi sebenarnya ARTISMELETOP membongkar awal  segalanya isu ini.

ARTISMELETOP: Sudah-sudah la tu mari kita berdoa agar MH370 selamat.

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